Speaker Series Flyer for MacLean Sarbah

Leaders in Global Development Speakers Series: A Conversation with MacLean 'Mac' Sarbah

Friday, July 11, 2025
2:00 pm - 2:50 pm ET
Virtual (zoom link to be provided upon registration)

Contact: harvardalumniglobaldevelopment@gmail.com
Register Here

MacLean 'Mac' Sarbah is a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leader at the Global Health Office of the President of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Prior to the Gates foundation, he was the founder and CEO of EdAcme, an initiative on the frontiers of creating equity in higher education access, entrepreneurship, and career advancement support for people from underrepresented communities. Recognized as one of five Groundbreakers in global education by ICEF Education in 2019, Mac, and his work, has been featured in over 50 news media worldwide.

Mr. Sarbah will join Harvard Alumni for Global Development to engage in a conversation about the importance DEI plays in fostering positive and productive work environments. He will also offer advice for a successful career in the corporate world.