Leaders in Global Development Speakers Series: A Conversation with Ambassador Imane Ouaadil 


An esteemed diplomat with a proven track record of leading governments in public diplomacy, foreign affairs and international relations, Ambassador Imane Ouaadil will join Harvard Alumni for Global Development in partnership with G-10O MAC Ghana for a discussion on how diplomats safeguard their host country's interests while promoting political, economic and cultural relations and maintaining peaceful relationships.

King Mohammed VI appointed Ambassador Ouaadil to lead Morocco’s mission in Ghana in 2019.


Date: November 16, 2023 | Event Location: Zoom




Start Time & Timezone: 11:00 AM EST

End Time & Timezone: 12:00 PM EST


RSVP Instructions: https://bit.ly/44kkOqk 

Event Contact: Zaina Adamu, zaina.adamu@gmail.com